The NSF has awarded a $3M grant to the COSMOS Interconnecting Continents (COSM-IC) project as part of the International Research and education Network Connections (IRNC) program. Prof. Zussman is the COSM-IC project PI and the co-PIs include Ivan Seskar and Prof. Dipankar Raychaudhuri (Rutgers), Prof. Dan Kilper (U. Arizona), Professors Myung Lee and Tarek Saadawi (CCNY), and Professors Keren Bergman and Ethan Katz Basset (Columbia)
The project will enable the use of unique programmable wireless, optical, and edge-cloud network testbed infrastructure for international collaborative experiments. It will build on interfaces of the PAWR COSMOS (NYC) and ORBIT (NJ) testbeds with the PEERING (US/
The project will create a powerful international experimental platform for networking research from applications down to the optical and radio physical layers. A few distinct example experiments that demonstrate various capabilities and motivate further experimentation include: (i) Artificial Intelligence for multi-layer Quality of Service over disaggregated infrastructure during remote scientific experimentation; (ii) cloud processing of latency- and capacity-sensitive mobile applications across network domains and testbeds; and (iii) interdomain routing, data security, and privacy across national boundaries.