The following challenge paper describing the COSMOS testbed will appear in the Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 2020) to be held in London, UK:
D. Raychaudhuri, I. Seskar, G. Zussman, T. Korakis, D. Kilper, T. Chen, J. Kolodziejski, M. Sherman, Z. Kostic, X. Gu, H. Krishnaswamy, S. Maheshwari, P. Skrimponis, and C. Gutterman, “Challenge: COSMOS: A city-scale programmable testbed for experimentation with advanced wireless,” in Proc. ACM MobiCom’20 (to appear), 2020. [download]
In this paper, we describe the testbed’s architecture, the design and deployment challenges, and the experience gained during the design and pilot deployment. Specifically, we describe COSMOS’ computing and network architectures, the critical building blocks, and its programmability at different layers. COSMOS’ key building blocks include software-defined radios, 28 GHz millimeter-wave phased array modules, optical transport network, core and edge cloud, and control and management software. We describe COSMOS’ deployment phases in a dense urban environment, the research areas that could be studied in the testbed, and specific example experiments. Finally, we discuss our experience with using COSMOS as an educational tool.

COSMOS’ multi-layered computing architecture and the envisioned deployment area of about 1 sq. mile in West Harlem, New York City.